Movie Offers

Top UK Movie Streaming Free Trial Offers

February 2025 – This month's most popular offers:

(* Amazon Prime is required to get Paramount+ as a Prime Video add-on subscription.)

Scroll down to view our comparison table to help decide which offer to choose.

Why are free trials so popular?

A free trial lets you try out a streaming service for free with zero risk.

There is no contract so you are free to cancel at any time.

Try a new streaming service today to enjoy many hours of entertainment!

Compare offers side-by-side

People have asked us for an easy way to compare streaming service plans and free trials so we designed a comparison table to help you decide which offer is best for you and your household.

Amazon Prime VideoAmazon Prime VideoNow TV Sky CinemaNow TV Sky CinemaNow TV EntertainmentNow TV EntertainmentParamount+Paramount+
(Prime add-on channel)
Monthly Cost£5.99£9.99£9.99£6.99
Free Trial30 days7 days7 days7 days
Unlimited streaming of thousands of moviesYesYesNoYes
Watch hundreds of award-winning TV showsYesNoYesYes
Thousands of hours of kids TVYesNoNoYes
Download select titles to watch offlineYesNoNoNo
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What's the best choice for you?

For the biggest selection of content and the best value for money, pick Amazon Prime Video.

If you want more up-to-date movies you can't get anywhere else, choose Paramount+.

If you're after hit TV shows from the US, check out Now TV Entertainment.

If you only want content for children, the cheapest option is Now TV Kids.